© AB Technology Group 2007-2018

AB Technology Group is a manufacturer and distributor of high temperature, heat & flame resistant LadderTapeä bolt-hole style gasket tape.

LadderTapeä bolt-hole style tapes are typically used as gasket seal material on access doors for ovens, furnaces and kilns, where a gasket/seal is desired on both sides of the securing fasteners such as a bolt line.  LadderTapeä is also used on commercial kitchen exhaust duct flange joints as a sealing tape.

The tape purposely has warp yarns missing in the center area of the tape, with just the horizontal weft yarns holding the remaining outside sections of the tape together, giving the tape its "ladder" look and easy pass-thru over studs.
Very High Temperature and Heat Resistant Fiberglass LadderTapeä / Bolt Hole Tape
1000°F / 537°C continuous rating, high insulation value
·  Very high temperature and heat resistant fiberglass sleeve and tape products are used to protect a
    wide range of hoses, lines, tubes, wires and cables from high temperatures and flame.  Often the
    sleeve products are used in layers to provide additional protection and insulation value. Perfect
    where molten metal exposure is not an issue and a lower cost alternative to silicone rubber coated
    fiberglass (firesleeve).  Fabric and tape is available with a PSA coating.  Many items are suitable
    for hot work protection during welding operations.
Very High Temperature Heat Fire and Flame Resistant Knitted Fiberglass Fibreglass Tape Ladder Tape Bolthole Tape

Many of our Fiberglass and Silica products are an excellent asbestos alternative, and can be used to replace asbestos sleeve, tape, fabric and insulation commonly used for wiring and pipe insulation.
The following are trademarks of AB Technology Group:
ä, PiroSleeveä, SnapSleeveä, InfraFlectä, ScuffSleeveä, TuffWrapä, FestoonShieldä, ThermalShieldä, InsulBattä, ThermaSleeveä, ThermaTapeä,  ThermaRopeä, ThermaTubeä, Keeping Our World Coolerä, LadderTapeä

Extreme High-Temperature and Heat Resistant InSilMax Silica and Silica XT LadderTapeä / Bolt Hole Tape
Silica protection products with 2000°F / 1093°C continuous rating
· Generally, Silica high-temperature products can be used to 2000°F / 1093°C continuously. It melts
above 3000°F / 1648°C.

·  Silica sleeve; braided and texturized.  Standard wall thickness is 1/16" and heavy wall is 1/8".
Continuous Rating
Product photo boarders are color coded based on the maximum continuous rating; many products
have higher short exposure ratings - but you should also consider the application when
choosing a product; such as molten splash, weld splatter, infrared shielding or abrasion resistance.
Fiberglass Products Withstand 1000°F / 537°C continuous exposure; with excursions to 1200°F / 648°C.  In addition to protection, sleeve and tape can also provide an insulation value.
Terms & Conditions
LadderTapeä / Bolt Hole Tape are available in the following ratings:
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Very High Temperature Heat Resistant Products for use up to 1000 degrees Fahrenheit

Very High Temperature and Heat Resistant Vermiculite Coated Fiberglass LadderTapeä / Bolt Hole Tape
1500°F / 815°C continuous rating, high insulation value and excellent personnel protection
·  Very High Temperature and heat resistant fiberglass base fabric is totally impregnated with
    vermiculite dispersant, resulting in a product with higher continuous temperature capability and
    added abrasion resistance.
Very High Temperature Heat Fire and Flame Resistant Vermiculite Coated Fiberglass Fibreglass Tape Ladder Tape Bolthole Tape
Extreme +Plus High-Temperature and Heat Resistant Ceramic Fibre LadderTapeä / Bolt Hole Tape
Ceramic protection products with 2300°F / 1260°C continuous rating

Very High-Temperature and Heat Resistant Graphite Coated Fiberglass LadderTapeä / Bolt Hole Tape
1000°F / 537°C continuous rating, Graphite offer s a no-stick surface for molten materials, along with extreme lubrication and electrical conductivity.
High-Temperature, Heat & Chemical Resistant PTFE Coated Fiberglass LadderTapeä / Bolt Hole Tape
Fiberglass based materials with PTFE (Teflon) offers high temperature resistance and exceptional chemical resistance
   HIGH                                  VERY HIGH                              EXTREME        EXTREME +PLUS
·  Made from a combination of SiO2 and AL2O3 fibers.

·  Same applications and uses as the Silica materials in the above section, but rated to
    higher continuous exposure.

·  An excellent replacement for asbestos materials.

·  Melts above 3000°F / 1648°C. 
·  550°F / 287°C continuous use in harsh chemical environments.
·  Graphite adds slipperiness, the ability to withstand molten metal contact, electrical conductivity
High Temperature and Heat Protection and Fire Flame Resistant Teflon PTFE Coated Fiberglass Fibreglass Tape

Download Catalog
·  Very High Temperature and heat resistant fiberglass base material is impregnated with PTFE.
·  550°F      High-Temperature Fiberglass with PTFE coating
·  1000°F    Very-High-Temperature Knitted Fiberglass
·  1000°F    Very-High-Temperature Woven Fiberglass
·  1000°F    Very-High-Temperature Woven Fiberglass with Graphite Coating
·  1500°F    Very-High Temperature Woven Fiberglass with Vermiculite Coating
·  1800°F    Extreme-Temperature Woven Silica
·  2000°F    Extreme-Temperature Woven Silica XT
·  2300°F    Extreme-Temperature +Plus Woven Ceramic Fiber
Other AB Technology Group Websites of interest:
·   Full Line of High Temperature Products
·   Uncured Silicone Rubber Sealants & Adhesives
Very High Temperature Heat Fire and Flame Resistant Knitted Fiberglass Fibreglass Tape Ladder Tape Bolthole Tape
Very High Temperature Heat Resistant Products for use up to 1000 degrees Fahrenheit
Very High Temperature Heat Resistant Products for use up to 1000 degrees Fahrenheit
Very High Temperature Heat Resistant Products for use up to 1000 degrees Fahrenheit
Very High Temperature Heat Resistant Products for use up to 1000 degrees Fahrenheit
High Temperature and Heat Protection and Fire Flame Resistant Teflon PTFE Coated Fiberglass Fibreglass Tape
High Temperature and Heat Protection and Fire Flame Resistant Teflon PTFE Coated Fiberglass Fibreglass Tape
·   DuctSealä Brochure